Most Anticipated Response
"I learned so many things especially science. I learned about ecosystems and water cycle and atmosphere. They were so useful to me. I got good test scores at my school for science. I was so happy." ~Anne "Anna Banana"
Most Heartwarming Response
"I learned many things. For example, science, joking, and how to avoid being nervous before my speech. When I stand up for a speech I will breath deep and smile :)" ~Ann "Ann without an e"
Most Unexpected Response
Ok, so apparently for all the hours I spent talking about science, my one short side note about pop culture is the only thing that Susan is going to take away from our time together. Not sure if I feel good about that. I think we all have that teacher who taught us loads of information, yet we only retained one trivial piece of knowledge about their personal life (for example, my 6th grade science teacher who liked rats and was one of the first people to get lasik eye surgery). So for Sweet Suzy, I guess I am THAT teacher.