Friday, December 30, 2011

Absurd Korean Moment #7

This segment is back folks. I know you have missed it. Tonight I told my sixth grade class that I wanted to buy an ice cream cake to celebrate the New Year. One student told me that if you eat ice cream in the winter it gives you cancer. That's right, winter time ice cream consumption is not only bad for your waste line, it gives you cancer. He even said there have been studies proving this correlation. I guess this is bad news for Baskin Robbins 31...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

With All My Heart

I just spent my first Christmas on this Earth without my Dad. Sunday was a really hard day for me. To be frank, the only way to get through the holidays was to ignore them. I am really missing my Dad this week. I dream about him, I think of him all day at the weirdest times, I find memories in the oddest things. Losing a loved one is a horrible process that changes your life. It is hard to pretend to be ok again when others expect you to feel better so soon. This fact made it hard for me to think of things to write about. Today, I was looking through my photos trying to find inspiration to write again, and I found this picture that I had forgotten about taking when I was home. Above his computer my Dad had two things hanging. The first is a poem that my sister had bought for him when she was little, but had been too embarrassed to give it to him. She gave it to him years later when she found it while moving. The second is the one thing my Dad told me he wanted for Christmas last year. A South Korean flag.

I still love you Dad, with all my heart.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve Movie Night

"I took a shower washing every body part with actual soap; including all my major crevices; including in between my toes and in my belly button, which I never did before but sort of enjoyed. I washed my hair with adult formula shampoo and used cream rinse for that just-washed shine. I can't seem to find my toothbrush, so I'll pick one up when I go out today. Other than that, I'm in good shape."

This scene was always my Dad's favorite. I can still hear his deep belly laugh every time Kevin slaps the aftershave on his cheeks. I am really missing him today, my Dad not Kevin.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Sometimes The Best Plan Is No Plan

Today started with an early morning trip into Seoul to show my new co-worker Matthew around. We had a general itinerary about what we wanted to see and do, but no set plan of action. Sometimes the best plan is no plan. We went to an old palace in Seoul where we met two nice Americans venturing out on the town during their 12 hour lay over. We ended up spending the whole afternoon with them. First my palace pictures.

We showed them traditional Korean BBQ and then found a traditional tea house to round out the "5 hour Korea experience" we were trying to give our new friends. Also, I am fully aware that I did not take a single photo of myself or anyone in my party all day...I need to work on that.

In the end, sometimes the best days I have are the ones that I don't plan at all, I just do. It is the little, unexpected things in life that can make it enjoyable.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Every Moment Is Happiness

One of my favorite local coffee shops is called Cafe Salida. I went there today and as I was enjoying my five dollar mocha, I admired the vintage wood wall and overall warm feeling of the space. I am attempting to be "artsy" in these photos, but please don't tell me if I was successful or not because I could:

    A. let it go to my head.
    B. be hurt by your criticisms.

 Please just consider them in silence. As the holidays are approaching, I hope that everyone finds themselves surrounded by loved ones and hopefully some gorgeous snow if you're lucky!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Children's Hogwan Christmas Party

This year one of my co-workers worked really hard to host a Christmas party for our first and second graders, and it was a complete success. We had snacks and presents and Mr. and Mrs. Claus and a movie and games. You're welcome first and second graders of HR. I took several pictures to show you how cute some of my faves are.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Who Wants To Take A Picture Next To My Face?

Of all the things my parents hoped for me and my life, seeing my face on the side of a Korean school bus probably didn't make the top 100. However, this day has unexpectedly come. In a massive ad campaign to bring in more students, my boss is putting out pamphlets and newspaper articles, and posting banners on busses. Naturally, when I found this out I asked my favorite class: "Who wants to take a picture next to my face?" Here they are for you to enjoy.

L to R: Jennie, Paula, Kelly, and Jenny

The BEST 6th grade class. They told me I am a "sugary" teacher. I think that means I am a nice grader...

Monday, December 19, 2011


I updated my bedroom with a new bedding set that I got for free. That's right. Free.

I helped my friend buy a Bed in a Bag Set worth $150, for his new apartment. With the store's "1 + 1 SALE" he got a second $150 Bed in a Bag Set for free. Unfortunately for him, it was pink. Fortunately for me, it was pink. I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time with a nice friend who doesn't like pink.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

One Half An Orphan

At the request of my Aunt MM, I am going to restart my blog a day posts, despite my reluctance to begin again. For anyone who is not aware, my amazing Dad passed away on November 30, 2011. While he was not in good health, it was completely unexpected to everyone around him, including myself. I guess it's hard to describe how it feels to lose a parent so early, and only a handful of people can relate. Words don't do it justice, but I am devastated, utterly and absolutely devastated.


Imagine never seeing your dad again and knowing you didn't say goodbye. Imagine thinking about something you need to tell him, then remembering that you can't. Imagine watching girls with their dads and knowing that that will never be you. Imagine thinking about your future and then removing your dad from the image all of the important events that he was supposed to be a part of. Imagine losing your father and then multiply that pain times a trillion.

He was too young and I am too young. I still need him. Right now, I am not "ok." Sometimes I don't feel like I will ever be "ok," but hopefully with time I will find peace. Bare with me in the upcoming months as I strive to find this peace that I so desperately need. Understand that this might be a Side Note in your thoughts, but it is a recurring Headline in mine. I think about him everyday. I cry everyday. I miss him everyday. He was an amazing father with a contagious laugh and smile and a quiet brilliance that everyone respected. My life has changed forever.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

All The Korean I Know

As I reflect on my time here in Korea, I start to realize how little of the language I have picked up. I only know a few words and maybe two phrases. Not the ideal guest in a foreign country I guess. So I present to you now, the extent of my knowledge of the Korean language. As you read these words, pretend that a cute foreign girl has just moved to your neighborhood, and this is the ONLY English she knows. It might help you get a feel for what the Koreans have to put up with, with me.

"Hello." (In person AND on the telephone.)
"Thank you."
"I'm ok." or "It's ok." or "Are you ok?" (The same words, just said with a different inflection.)
"I'm tired."
"I'm hungry."
"Sit down."
"Me too."
"Bring me this please."
"How much is it?" (Even though I don't understand the answer most of the time.)

older brother
older sister
middle aged man
middle aged woman
Sunae High School

Pretty useless, but in my defense, so many people speak English here...I was never forced to learn. Plus I am lazy AND Korean is really hard to learn.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving In A Box

Imagine waking up on the wrong side of the proverbial bed and then taking that stinky attitude with you to work. Now imagine that once you have arrived at work, to your great delight, you received a United States Priority Mail Box on your desk. In one instant your mood changes from Negative Nancy to Positive Patty. As you excitedly open it, you discover that one of your most cleverest friends has sent you 'Thanksgiving In A Box.'  I am not talking about turkey and stuffing and gravy. I am talking about warmth and chocolate and hand turkey decorations and Spiced Pumpkin, Cranberry Chutney, and Sparkling Cinnamon scented Yankee Candles. My apartment now smells like Hobby Lobby/The Holidays, and if you know anything about me, you know that this makes me extremely happy. So thank you my dearest Emily, for turning my frown upside down. Your creativity astounds me!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Practically Famous

I found out today that my picture is featured in a prominent local newspaper. My academy wanted to use my picture to draw in more students and to show how attractive foreigners can be. Check out my Korean Newspaper debut.

Can't see me? Look closer...

Oh yeah, I had to use macro on this baby.
Don't worry, I will try not to let all this attention go to my head. But I wouldn't be surprised if I start being recognized on the street. Today, Korean Newspaper. Tomorrow, Front Cover of Cosmo Magazine...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

All You Really Need Is Soup...

One of my all time favorite foods that I haven't found anywhere in Korea is...soup in a bread bowl. So imagine my surprise/delight when I stumbled upon this adorable local coffee shop in the foreign district of Seoul.

I am glad I got to enjoy some delish cream of mushroom soup in a bread bowl on a cloudy day, with a good friend in the middle of Seoul.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Definitely stealing this idea from my BFFFE Kelly. November is National Blog Posting Month. I might be a 26 days late and a dollar short, but I figured I want the challenge of being creative and to have something really cool to look back on when I am old. So my NaBloPoMo will be from November 26th-December 26th. Starting today, I will be accepting any blog ideas you might have for me. I do think that there are things that seem mundane to me, but interesting to everyone else, so ask away!

And thanks to Kelly for inspiring me slash letting me copy you...