Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving In A Box

Imagine waking up on the wrong side of the proverbial bed and then taking that stinky attitude with you to work. Now imagine that once you have arrived at work, to your great delight, you received a United States Priority Mail Box on your desk. In one instant your mood changes from Negative Nancy to Positive Patty. As you excitedly open it, you discover that one of your most cleverest friends has sent you 'Thanksgiving In A Box.'  I am not talking about turkey and stuffing and gravy. I am talking about warmth and chocolate and hand turkey decorations and Spiced Pumpkin, Cranberry Chutney, and Sparkling Cinnamon scented Yankee Candles. My apartment now smells like Hobby Lobby/The Holidays, and if you know anything about me, you know that this makes me extremely happy. So thank you my dearest Emily, for turning my frown upside down. Your creativity astounds me!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Practically Famous

I found out today that my picture is featured in a prominent local newspaper. My academy wanted to use my picture to draw in more students and to show how attractive foreigners can be. Check out my Korean Newspaper debut.

Can't see me? Look closer...

Oh yeah, I had to use macro on this baby.
Don't worry, I will try not to let all this attention go to my head. But I wouldn't be surprised if I start being recognized on the street. Today, Korean Newspaper. Tomorrow, Front Cover of Cosmo Magazine...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

All You Really Need Is Soup...

One of my all time favorite foods that I haven't found anywhere in Korea is...soup in a bread bowl. So imagine my surprise/delight when I stumbled upon this adorable local coffee shop in the foreign district of Seoul.

I am glad I got to enjoy some delish cream of mushroom soup in a bread bowl on a cloudy day, with a good friend in the middle of Seoul.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Definitely stealing this idea from my BFFFE Kelly. November is National Blog Posting Month. I might be a 26 days late and a dollar short, but I figured I want the challenge of being creative and to have something really cool to look back on when I am old. So my NaBloPoMo will be from November 26th-December 26th. Starting today, I will be accepting any blog ideas you might have for me. I do think that there are things that seem mundane to me, but interesting to everyone else, so ask away!

And thanks to Kelly for inspiring me slash letting me copy you...