Monday, January 14, 2013

Nerd Goggles - City III

Florence, or Firenze, Italy was a huge departure from the ancient history of Rome and Pompeii. Stepping off the train, I was immediately transported to the Renaissance period.

I enjoyed the most castley-castle I saw in Italy, the Bargello Palace. For most of it's lifetime, the Bargello was used as a prison by the Medici family. It is at the entrance of this castle where we can find Michelangelo's Statue of David. Unfortunately, it is an exact replica and the original is in a museum somewhere I will probably never go.

The old town square of Florence houses the Basilica of Santa Croce, which is an interesting building for a few reasons. It is the resting place of Michelangelo and Galileo, and is the biggest Franciscan church in the world. Also, if you look closely, you will notice a blue Jewish Star at the top of the facade. A Jewish architect designed the facade, and they allowed him to keep the Jewish Star in the design. The architect wanted to be buried inside the church, but because he was Jewish they buried him under the porch not within the walls.

My favourite tourist activity was visiting one of the oldest Gelato Shops in Italy. It probably tasted sweeter knowing that gelato was invented in Florence.

There were picturesque fruit shops on every corner and I finally got the courage to take a picture of one. Unfortunately, I was caught by a woman leaving the shop.

Saving the best for last is my favourite cathedral in all of Italy. The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, is an architectural feat, as well as absolutely breathtaking.

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