Monday, November 8, 2010

My Bachelorette Pad

Some of you have been dying to see my humble abode, so here is it in all its glory. But before we do, I would just like to take a minute to remember the 7 nights I spent sleeping on the floor.
I will play 'The Glad Game' here and say that at least I had something to sleep on.
Now get ready for greatness........drum roll please.....................
My kitchen.
The view out of my window...that is another building.
My dining room/entertainment center.

My BED! That gigantic window actually looks directly into another apartment window. I have noticed that Korean's will put windows anywhere and everywhere, despite the view.

I have this patio thing that looks into all my neighbors windows.

My bathroom...notice there is no shower stall...I have to stand in front of the mirror and use the hand sprayer to bathe myself. That has been interesting.
This is my thermastat. I have to push the green button when I want hot water, and the blue one when I leave. That is about all I know how to do with this thing.
And there ya have it folks, my tiny studio apartment in South Korea. If you noticed, the walls are incredibly bare and I would love any and all types of artwork and pictures sent my way! Peace out girl scouts!


  1. LOVE IT!! It's so cute. I'm glad you have such a nice place- hopefully I can see it myself someday soon!

  2. Okay. So do you have to shower over that sink? No drain on the floor? I'm so confused. Please enlighten me on your showering situation.

  3. Hi Sweetie! Uncle Louie says he has a cardboard box with a shower in it. Can he mail it to you?
    Seriously....I love what you've done with the place! We are shocked at the whole 'no tub or shower' thing! Drats!!! I LOVE, love, love reading your blogs! You make me laugh! I am eacited to r\hear of your escapades and adventures.
    Love ya!
    Aunt Marie and Uncle Louie
