Saturday, January 29, 2011

Loogies and Snot Rockets

Seeing an ajuma blow a snot rocket on the corner in front of Dunkin Donuts has forced me to write this blog.

An ajuma is a middle-aged Korean woman who has already had kids. Unfortunately, no matter what words I type here, I will not be able to describe the Power of the Ajuma. She is all-knowing and can smell an open seat or a sale from a mile away. She is also well versed in the art of pushing others out of her way, for absolutely no reason at all. She is poised to attack with her perfectly coifed perm and her sock/sandal clad feet. I am under the impression that they get some sort of high off of being rude to others. I should know since I have been victim to this senseless body contact multiple times.

According to UrbanDictionary, a snot rocket is when you plug one nostril with your finger, and blow out of the other nostril with everything you have, sending a snot projectile out of the nose.

So yes, I saw an ajuma blow a snot rocket with perfect precision. Let me just tell you that I attempted a rocket of my own once when I was younger, and it did not go well at all. I have not attempted one since and I am certain that I never will again. I have been here for three months now, and it is very apparent that Korean's hate flem of any sort being in their bodies. Got flem? Feel free to get rid of it no matter where you are. Here, there must be 1 million loogies hocked per second, leaving the person flem free and the sidewalks littered with the undesirable mess (which then freezes in the winter cold taking a whole new form and shininess). You don't like it in your body, but I don't like it on my shoe, there must be a compromise here. I also have the pleasure of hearing my neighbor hock things from the depths of his body any time he showers, which seems to be more than once a day. This will be one thing I won't miss about Korea when I leave...

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