Friday, November 25, 2011

South Korean Thanksgiving, The Second

Well Folks, it has been over a year since I first ventured to this great country of South Korea. I must say that these past 6 months have absolutely flown by. I literally blinked and my additional 6 months has already become 5. It is hard to believe that a year ago on this day, my new friend had fashioned a homemade Thanksgiving dinner using nothing but ingenuity, Costco, a toaster oven, and her two bare hands (See "A South Korean Thanksgiving" from October 2010 in the blog archives). At that point I was "Fresh Off The Boat" and I was still a little skeptical as to what I had just gotten myself into. I was only beginning to form relationships with my new coworkers, learning a new job, and enduring a major culture shock. I remember thinking "12 months is a really long time, how will I ever make it?" Yet, here I am on my 13th month in this country, feeling very comfortable with my good friends and with my new found knowledge of a place very different from where I came. I have been able to experience things I never would have dreamed possible. I have also endulged my new found coffee addiction. So, the point of this rambling is to say that I am thankful for:

A. My AMAZING friends and family. The only reason I am here is because my wonderful mother and father paid for me to take my TOEFL online certification class when I didn't have enough money. They were supportive of my decision from the moment I told them I was thinking about teaching English abroad while eating dinner at Olive Garden in Westminster. That's what parent's are for right? Also, every single person in my life, whose opinion I value, supported me 100%. I couldn't ask for better people in my life.

B. This experience. I am learning so much about the world AND myself. I wouldn't trade it for 10.8753 Trillion Dollars.

C. Stories like this one: 8 year old Anna asks "Teacher, are you drinking coffee?" I respond "Yes Anna, I am drinking coffee. I need it to keep up with all the energy you guys have." Anna replies "My mom drinks coffee too. It helps her go to the bathroom."

D. And, Reindeer Sweaters.
I asked my student if I could take a picture of his sweater, then I asked if he wanted his face in the picture. Guess how he replied...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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