Saturday, January 7, 2012

Absurd Korean Moment #8

I don't know about you, but I get an instant stomach ache when I am driving and see police car lights flashing in my rear view mirror. Heck, I even get a little nervous when I see them flashing in front of my car. Well if I were to drive a car in Korea, I would have a constant stomach ache behind the wheel. Let me explain. I have observed that Korean police cars always have their blue and red lights flashing. Even when they are just driving down the road normally. So how does one know if they have committed a traffic violation? You must listen for the siren. The only way to know that you're being pulled over is to listen for a sound, there is no visual to tell you that you have been caught. I am not quite sure the reasoning for this and couldn't offer any explanation, but I know I would not be a fan of it if I held a drivers license in this country. But hey, if it works, it works, I will leave it alone.

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